A single Lavender Bouquet candle in a Charming Farmhouse jar.
Lavender Bouquet
A Lavender Bouquet wooden lid with printed flowers and candles on it.
A single Lavender Bouquet candle in a Charming Farmhouse jar.

Charming Farmhouse

Lavender Bouquet

Crushed lavender buds stirred with sugary Aronia berries and wild greens, steeped in fresh-brewed Ceylon tea.

$ 18.00

Starts At $18.00

Charming Farmhouse by DW Home


Crushed lavender buds stirred with sugary Aronia berries and wild greens, steeped in fresh-brewed Ceylon tea.


Double Wick

Linen Label

Wooden lid w/ printed design accent

Burn Time: Approx. 40 hours | Dimensions: 4.0" x  4.25"

Fill Weight : 13.2 oz | Weight: 2.5 lbs

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Starts At $16.00

Starts At $16.00

Starts At $18.00


Starts At $16.00

Starts At $16.00

Charming farmhouse collection image

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